Sunday, June 23, 2013

Panic Attacks vs Paranormal Intuition

Many people suffer from panic attacks. In fact, 2.4 million American adults suffer from some sort of panic disorder.

Panic attacks are fits of intense fear, dreading, the distinct feeling that bad is coming. It can come with heart attack like symptoms and hyperventilation.

So, what is the difference between normal panic attacks and paranormal, or psychic, intuition?

Both come with fits of extreme fear and dreading. With a normal panic disorder, ta he bad things never come. It is just a symptom of the disorder.

With psychic intuition, the bad really does come.

My episodes started in December 2012. I woke up one morning in an extreme panic attack. I woke up gasping for air, my heart was beating near out of my chest. I felt this overwhelming fear and well...panic.
Two days later, my daughter announced she had been molested by a man down the street.
In the course of dealing with this moment in our lives, I had a few attacks, followed by the investigation process in our lives.

In February, 2013, I woke up in the same panic episode as described above. Two days later, my cousin's son almost died in a car accident.

In April, 2013, my daughter announced she wanted to go and live with her aunt. All the stress she had been under left me no choice but to let her go. I was devastated and went into a depression. This left me understanding another panic attack.

In May, 2013, another panic attack. That day, my son came home with blood covering his face. He had to have stitches on his eye and his forehead.

Also in May, another panic attack was the result of my youngest son being beat on by three boys when he got off the bus.

June, 2013, another panic attack led to a repossession of my vehicle, which I will be getting back on July first and didn't find it near as stressful or provoking as the previous events. Nevertheless, it was a warning attack.

Today, June 23rd is the second day in a row that I have woke up with extreme panic attacks. I have no idea what event is coming and to be honest, I am terrified.

It is important that I mention that before I found out that my attacks were a psychic warning, I talked to my doctor. She put me on a medication for anxiety and the medication has not stopped these attacks.

Among my family members are 'gifts' related to psychic phenomenon. I can not do the things they can do and have never even believed in ghosts due to my religious views. My family has proven these things real to me. They can see and feel things around a person. They can foresee things coming. They can even communicate with spirits. I have done a lot of research in this area and have spent my life obsessed with shows like 'Medium' and 'Ghost Whisperer'. I watch all the paranormal shows and I never understood my focus such things.  (I'm a huge Allison Dubois fan, by the way. )

I have not been able to do these things. A few months back, I did have an incident where I actually 'felt' an unusual energy around me and that seemed to kick things off.

Dreams...although these other events are new to me, dreams are not. Dreams have always served as warnings to me. I have many dreams that are just that...dreams. But I have always had dreams of things that came true. I rarely dream anymore of anything important though. Perhaps it is my insomniac tendencies or the night time medication I have been taking for several years now.

Whatever the reason, the warnings have found a way to come through. The problem is that I am not informed on the event that is coming, only that it IS coming. The panic is horrible and ruins many days of my life. When I awake from one of these attacks, my whole day is spent lethargically staring at a television to keep my mind focused on something else. It is a horrible thing to endure and I don't know how to stop them. I don't see the point of going through all the stress of what is coming before it actually arrives.

I am hoping there are those among the readers who might be able to help explain and move through this.

For about a month now I have had the notion of starting this blog keep forcing itself into my head. I finally am going to do it. I will tell you more about me in following blogs.

Thank you for reading!!!


  1. Great first blog, Panic. It sounds like your life is very interesting. I feel bad because of what you go through and I think if you had the right guidance then you would be alright. I understand some of what you are going though but I'm barely developed myself. I intend to keep up with your blog and see how things go. I hope whatever is coming is not to bad. (Hugs)

  2. Finally! Someone else who has seen the connection like I have!!!
    I too have attacks, although I call mine anxiety attacks, the symptoms are basically the same. Feels like a heart attack.
    They started about a year before my Mom died. I was having them 2 to 3 times a week at least and they would last anywhere from 20 minutes to two hours. I went to the ER twice and was hooked up to an EKG that was normal. Even when to a heart specialist and did the whole heart stress test. All was normal. Finally someone said I had anxiety.
    Anxiety I didn't know I had!
    I started taking notice that they seemed to come before I got bad news or something bad would happen. I've come to the conclusion that these are psychic anxiety attacks and they really stink.
    It's frustrating to no end that we are given this pain without knowing what will come and not being able to prevent it.
    I keep telling God that whatever it is I'm supposed to be getting, I'm not. I'm just being put through physical pain followed by emotional stress and/or pain. But I'm not getting any relief.
    The only thing that seems to ease the pain is to lay in a darkened room and listen to soothing music.
    Thank you for posting your experience. Now I know I am not alone.

  3. I had my first panic attack 10 minutes before my then ten year old was viciously attacked by three large dogs. The morning after we brought him home from the hospital, I had to do grocery shopping and had one in the store. I KNEW something bad was going to happen. I called my brother, who was taking care of my son, and he assured me they were both well. I proceeded to contact my other children's schools, begging them, in tears in the middle of the store, too check on my kids. They were gracious, and everyone was fine. I called other important people, all was well. I was then convinced that I had stopped whatever bad thing was going to happen by making people aware. I have one several times a year, and I believe that it's stopped anything from happening.
