Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Panicked Block

I will get around to spilling some bio information soon.

Since the 1st, I have been trying hard to keep it together. I got a follow up letter from the electric company yesterday.

They are adding $527 (for the deposit, a year and a half later) TO my $300 electric bill and it has to paid within 8 days. Who do they can come up with $827 in eight days??

I have been really stressing and falling into a weird state trying to figure out what to do. That is why I have not been on. I'll try to post tomorrow but I can't promise. If not, I'll get back here as soon as I can. Anyone with a real life knows how hard things can be sometimes. It's just the way it is. Please send prayers and good thoughts my way.


  1. I really hate that you are going through this. I really like your blog because it is about real life even when its not good. I'll send good vibes your way. Let me know how it works out. God will send someone to help you, I believe that. I'm curious to know who it turns out to be.

  2. Thank you, Josh. I sure hope you are right! Thank you for the good vibes and prayers. I will certainly let you know. :)
