Friday, July 5, 2013

Pyschic Attacks

This has been the worst week ever!! You wouldn't believe all the things that are happening to one person. I have been reading on Psychic Attacks and feel I could be a victim of this.

Let's recap:
I had a lot of stuff stolen from my van, including my cd player, which I didn't notice at first. So we are talking about $100 worth of stuff that the lot are refusing to accept responsibility for.

My credit card...I changed the password and was able to use it but I can not take cash off it. It turns out that my card has been 'compromised' so they restricted the use of my card. In fact, starting Monday, they are cancelling all compromised cards and it will be 7 to 10 days before I get the new one. P.S, my landlord does NOT take credit cards.

My electric company gave me 10 days to pay them a $527 deposit plus my due electric bill which equals about $750. Which, by the way, I cannot pay!
    I called and told them to turn it off. I didn't correct him when he assumed I was moving. We are going to stay at my aunts house a few days and then my son is getting a new lease and the electric turned on in his name. That's the best I can do. I hate to be deceiving but they pushed me to it.

I don't believe in curses, but if I did, I would swear someone had put one on me. There have been a few personal things also, that I don't want to mention here.

As with what follows psychic attacks, I have felt depressed, oppressed, nightmares, and even as if I were frozen sometimes. Also, the panic attacks. I physically could not move from my seat for four hours yesterday!!! It was as if I were being held there. Mentally, I had no desire to move but the fact that I absolutely could not was very scary!!

I am going to stay my aunts for a few days. Now, that is scary. The paranormal activity in her house is consistently active. The beings that bother them have now taken to touching. My uncle had a perfect hand print on his chest and had trouble breathing. It took hours for the mark to go away. My youngest son was standing at the bar in the kitchen and something scratched his leg. I am going to be very busy keeping my family safe but it should give me some interesting stories to tell. (LOL)

If anyone has any information on how to protect myself against these attacks, please comment or email me. I would really appreciate it.

I promise to get that bio up soon. I have been so stressed out and just emotionally drained.

Hope you all are being blessed daily. Please, feel free to comment or email me anytime!!

1 comment:

  1. I think you are right. To have this much happen, including what you aren't telling, something is up. I don't know anything about curses. Psychic attacks are very real! My sister has had it happen to her before. Sometimes they don't realize they are even doing it. It's because they are jealous and envious of you or your life...or both. Maybe you know someone who might have a grudge against you? I would look into how to prevent those attacks. You can't keep going through this.
