Monday, July 1, 2013

Psychic Warning Confirmation..Part Two

Hello all. I am back to fill you in.
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If today is any indication of how this month will go then I give up right here and now! July 1st, not the best day but it certainly confirms what I thought....these are not your everyday variety of panic attacks.

They are, in fact, psychic warnings. (And if you recall, I mentioned seeing the first.) Here is what all the warnings were about.

To start off my day, I went to the ATM to get some cash so I could go pick up my vehicle. My card doesn't work. I come home and check my card, it shows the money is there but for some reason my pin is now invalid. So, I cannot access my money. All my bills are due and I can not use my card!!! This is very bad!

I borrow the cash from my oldest son and go pick up my vehicle. The damn thing has a flat tire, but that's just the beginning of it. Someone broke into my vehicle and stole fifty dollars worth of copper, my jumper cables and a few little things also. I am furious and my nerves are now going crazy, factoring in that I have had about an hours sleep. They are swearing up and down that someone must have broke into their lot after hours. The only door open is the sliding door. Keep in mind that the manager and I both made sure the van was locked. The workers had my key. Now, I'm looking around at all the stuff that someone who broke in would have stolen that is lying around near my vehicle. Great stuff for scrapping, just lying there around the grounds and in the back of trucks. How much easier for someone who broke into the lot to take without 'breaking' into my vehicle. No, it was one of the workers and we all know it!! Ugh.

Because of the stress, I am now near vomiting. I am shaking, I am so livid!

So I get home and was about to call the card company about my pen when I get a notice that I have to pay an extra $400 electric deposit because my co-signer (from when I moved here, and a year and a half ago) had to take her name off to help her son out. Now, I have had service with this company a year and a half now, you would think that would stand for something! I might have been late once, but I have always paid my bill. How on earth I am supposed to pay that is beyond me!!

I already had to cut my rent short just to get my vehicle back!

These are the kinds of things that happen to me once the warnings start.

Not only do I have the stress of what happens but also the stress the attacks put on me, which then cause me to stress over what is coming.

After documenting these attacks and the events that follow, I can deduce that they are most certainly psychic warnings. As I have said before, I am just now realizing that I have 'gifts' so it can be quite hard trying to figure out how to handle these things in my life.

I am hoping that others can benefit from my stories and that others can share their stories that could help me.
I think that is about all for now. We will talk again soon.

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